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Occupation du James Admin : Liveblogging

Suivez les événements de ce mercredi au fur et à mesure que la situation se développe dans ‑et autour- du James Admin.

Cet article sera mis-à-jour tout au long de la journée.
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15:16 Masi envoie un MRO

Le vice principal exécutif vient d’envoyer un courriel « à la communauté » pour clarifier la position de l’université sur leur refus de reconnaître les référendums de CKUT et QPIRG. Passage important :

« The administration and CKUT agreed in principle on Tuesday morning that the University will recognize the results of the referendum as student support for the continuing existence of CKUT. CKUT has agreed to conduct another referendum regarding their fees. Talks are still underway with QPIRG. »

 15:43 L’occupant qui était impliqué dans l’altercation avec la sécurité témoigne

Moe, un des occupants du 6e étage qui apparaît dans la vidéo ci-dessous, décrit le contexte des événements dans un courriel à la presse que nous a transmis le McGill Daily.

I was the “Partyer” that left early in order to get my medication. As soon as I wanted to leave, I negotiated with security to let me leave through the front staircase, and after a long discussion they agreed to escort me. As soon as I was between the 1st and 2nd floors (in the staircase), security reneged their commitment, telling me I would have to ascend to the 2nd floor and leave through the back or side staircases. I refused and tried to stall the situation, making several phone calls to the people in the lobby and on the 6th floor to make sure they were fine, and to tell them I was fine too. McGill Security later came back and used physical violence against me, shoving me initially then grabbing me. I tried to resist by pushing them back. I falled several times, was dragged on the stairs and the floor for a point in time, hit my head on the doors to the staircase, was dropped inside, “elbowed” in my stomach and eventually dropped outside the side door. Out of anger, I shoved a few guards outside for the assault and they shoved me back in response. There were nearly 6 guards at the climax of the situation against me, and 4 were targeting me on the outside simultaneously.

Here’s the only video my friends [Aaron Vansitjan, président du conseil d’administration de la DPS, notre éditeur, NDLR] in the lobby took ; the McGill admin has footage of the entire 25 mins or so of the assault.


16:11 l’Université donne sa version des faits.

 I have spoken with Security and I happened to observe much of the
incident​.Security agents made it very clear to the individual in question  that if
he needed to leave the premises for whatever reason, he would be escorted
by Security personnel and would have to leave the building via the second
floor. There was never any commitment to allow him out through the lobby.Futher (and you can share this with your colleagues at The Daily who
haven’t contacted us about this) Security personnel threw no punches.
There was a scuffle, because the individual in question, having been
warned repeatedly that if he did not go out of his own volition he would
be carried out, then resisted security personnel with all his might.
Eventually, he was taken out of the building through the loading dock
door. Outside, as The Daily account makes clear, he charged at several
agents and swore at them repeatedly. He also kicked the door several times
in an effort to re-enter the building. He displayed no ill effects from
his being carried out.
‑Doug Sweet, directeur des relations médias


22:00 Tentative de ravitaillement échouée

Les occupants du James Admin ont tenté de s’approvisioner en nourriture avec un seau attaché à une corde depuis le 6e étage. Mais la sécurité a perturbé les plans des militants. Un agent a saisi la corde depuis la fenêtre d’un étage inférieur et l’a sectionnée, mettant ainsi fin à la tentative de ravitaillement. Les occupants disent être bientôt à cours de vivre et fêtaient leur dernier sandwich.


Archives de notre liveblog : ce mercredi matin


Couverture par les autres médias

The McGill Daily – Twenty students occupy Mendelson’s office

MARP – Live Partyblog from Mendelson’s Surprise Resignation Party

Coop média de Montréal – Don’t call it an occupation : Students take over McGill admin offices for surprise-resignation party

The Montreal Gazette – Standoff between students and McGill University administration enters second day

The Link – Familiar Territory

CBC News – Protesting McGill students refuse to end sit-in


Articles en lien